customized master‘s degree

Instead of a ready-made education, you are able to select your individual degree program from a wide range of teaching and research.

Main Focuses of the Major Subject integrated design processes (idp)

Main Focuses of the Major Subject interior architecture & architectural design (iaad)

Mentor Program

Mentors Provide Support Throughout the

Humans learn most from other humans. During education they learn best from experienced experts, who offer much supervision and counseling. Therefore, in the program, professorial mentors are taking care of their students.

  • They attend your focus project, from the first semester to your master’s thesis
  • They review your focus project thoroughly
  • They support your development of a personal formal idiom
  • They consider themselves as well-meaning counselors who help you strengthen your strengths
  • They pass on their rich knowledge and experience and arrange contacts of their networks
  • They support you in your career management