New Work / New Office


The working environment in and outside the office has an ever-increasing social and scientific relevance. We spend a large part of our lives working. It is essential to examine these places where we do office work and to investigate and record the effects on our well-being, on the promotion of desired aspects, on interpersonal relationships and the environment. In particular, the relationship between spatial design on the one hand and an environment that promotes creativity and innovation on the other should be investigated. Likewise, existing and realised projects are to be evaluated and thus an own point of view is to be developed.

In addition to a scientific publication, a symposium is to be organised regularly. The potential authors and protagonists should be given the opportunity to present their point of view. The symposium should present the scientific state of the discussion and give the publication decisive impulses. The symposium will be implemented in cooperation with companies from the industry and (Master Design). The aim is to establish a scientific institute, which would be unique in Germany in the university landscape, and which is dedicated to scientific research into the effects of workplace design on people.

The first step is an exhibition on the topic of the architecture of work with a focus on the interior design of the working environment. The symposium and the publication are to be integrated into a triad with the exhibition and overlap in terms of content and design.



  • Analysis of the relevant industry environment in various forms, practice-oriented
  • Research on scientific publications, interdisciplinary
  • Derivation of criteria for the working environment in the office, consideration of different cultural aspects, intercultural
  • Development of an own point of view on the subject area, integration of the findings
  • Documentation of the own point of view and findings, visually, as a scientific publication
  • Development of an own planning concept, practically oriented, on a scientific basis
  • Close to realisation, cooperation with companies

Study goals

The ability to take a comprehensive and critical look at all relevant parameters of the working environment, providers of services and products, but especially at the realities and cultural perceptions of potential providers (companies and their corporate design) and users (employees in companies).